Trains Warsaw Krakow Schedules Tickets

Trains Between Warsaw And Krakow

Tickets And Schedules

Intercity Train
Intercity Train

About the trains between Warsaw and Krakow, tickets and schedules.

Below are the scheduled InterCity Trains that run between Warsaw and Krakow. There are other trains that make the run. But the Intercity Trains provide the highest level of service. And we list them also because they are the only ones that you can buy online.

Buying Intercity Train Tickets in Poland is fairly straight forward. They can be purchased online using either the Polish or English versions of the ICC PKP Intercity Train web page.

Schedules, prices and ticket availability must be checked by going to Train Reservations Poland.


You can see all the trains that make the run by going to the Polish Railroad schedule page. Polish Train Schedules It is just a schedule board. You must visit a train station to buy most of the tickets.

There are trains of some form that go between the two cites about every hour. Barring some special event or holiday, you generally do not need a reservation. But if you are unfamiliare with Poland and traveling the Polish trains, you will be well advised to make a reservation on one of the InterCity trains. It is much better to have a reservation than to wander the train cars with luggage while looking for a seat.

In each of the links below you find details about the schedules and the equpment that is used on the run. It is really quite informative. Additionally you can then order your tickets online from within the information section.

May we suggest that before you try ordering online you review our information about using this system. Intercity Train Tickets The system is slow, and can be quite confusing if you are not thoroughly familiar with it. It is provided by the State owned Polish Railroad.

Here are videos related to the Polish Railroads.


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