Baltic Amber Book

This book is published by the International Amber Association, Gdansk, Poland. The Association is the recognized authority on Baltic Amber.

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We distribute it free as part of the effort to provide the best information about Baltic Amber.

Today, just like ages ago, amber is one of the most highly valued and fashionable ornamental stones in the world. Artistic amber works used to decorate royal chambers. Impressive cabinets, chests, chandeliers and reliquaries made in Gdańsk would be sent abroad as gifts to the courts of magnates and wealthy nobility.

The unparalleled variety and beauty of amber colours and its beneficial influence on our health and well-being makes amber jewelry more and more often worn with casual clothes, while its more luxury and extravagant versions are used as ornaments for special occasions.

You are invited to read more about this wonderful living gemstone.

You can get the book free at the PolandsBest Book Library


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